Sunday, April 11, 2010



Spring is here, and Midnight is much closer to bikini ready! Down another 1/2 pound :)

Now that the weather is nice, we are contemplating a new form of exercise...taking Midnight out on walks. Yes, we are crazy cat people. You see a dog walking down the street it isn't at all surprising, but a cat?

We will start by introducing Midnight to a harness and associating it with his favorite foods. Will keep you posted on how that works!

Also, since we have started to feed Midnight on his own, the social balance of the others feeding hierarchy has been disrupted. Twilight, the second in command, is now eating what Midnight was previously stealing. He is growing just a bit, and we are now having to feed him separately to.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm, I wonder if Horton would walk on a leash! Ha! I doubt it! He's scared of his own shadow!
