What weight loss blog would be complete without before and after shots? Check out the fat ripples! Stay tuned for videos…when Midnight walks/run his tummy fat sways up almost halfway up his back.
The first step to any weight loss program is nutritional management. We looked up the daily energy requirements (DER) for the average cat, and based on body weight Midnight needs 428 kcal to maintain his current weight. We feed our cats Iam’s Proactive food currently, and are already feeding him under the recommended amount. We were giving him roughly 360 kcal daily, which shows how the average recommendation doesn’t work for everyone.
For a cat diet, nutritionist recommended to reduce the diet by 20% for safe gradual weight loss. So to meet his weight loss goals, Midnight is receiving ½ cup per day.
We also had to change the way we feed the cats. Previously we fed all of the cats a measured amount once a day, and they grazed on it over time. This was a problem in a group of cats; Midnight was taking advantage and eating more than his share! So now when we are feeding everyone we take away food after the cats have finished. Midnight can’t graze throughout the day on everyone else’s chow anymore.
Also we are feeding the cats 2-3 times a day instead of once a day. Digesting the food takes energy, so by multiplying the number of feeds, we are increasing the energy needed to process the food. We are boosting the amount of calories he is burning without any change in behavior. Multiple meals also boost the metabolism.
If you are interested in looking up energy requirements for your pets, here are some good resources: A very good (and very dense academic resource!) book is Hand & Novotny’s Pocket Companion to Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. Easier to use are http://www.talktothevet.com/ARTICLES/CATS/feedadultcat.HTM to find out the number of calories to feed a cat and http://www.scheyderweb.com/cats/catfood.html to calculate how many calories are in the cat food. While they are not perfect, they are good resources to get you started. Any weight loss plans should also include guidance from a veterinarian to avoid any health complications.
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